Cloud computing: security and data protection

cloud computing is one of the latest technology devised in the field of information management and storage although a form of disruptive technology aimed at providing an efficient system to store information. the major Concern of researchers in Information systems as cloud computing grows is the issue of security, privacy and legal issues that cloud computing creates(Andrew Proia,2013)

In this  video Gordon Smith talks to Baker Security & Networks CEO Robert Baker and Lars Jerkland, Enterprise Sales Manager for Google about the security of cloud computing, European data protection requirements and how these are met by cloud vendors.



Andrew Proia (2013) Cloud computing security and privacy.[Online] Available from: (Assessed 4th July 2013)

BakerTutorials (2011) Security and data protection.[Online].Available from: (Assessed on 4th July 2013)

About tundebamgboye
Bamgboye Babatunde Adekunle is currently a postgraduate student of Information Systems Management at the University of Salford Manchester. This course offers him the opportunity to acquire a systematic understanding of the importance of information systems and technology (IS/T) in local and global businesses and in society in general; and a critical awareness of current and emerging issues in the management of IS/T. After Bachelors in Business Administration, he decided to follow his passion for Information Technology alongside Accounting Management as it’s important in helping him develop his interpersonal and management skills. Babatunde enjoys extracurricular activities such as, hitting the gym and playing the guitar and also enjoying the companies of his friends and colleagues. He loves to travel and to meet people from all walks of life.

One Response to Cloud computing: security and data protection

  1. ryankjones says:

    Cloud computing is definitely going to be one of the best technological advancements of today’s times

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