The Three Ways to Cloud Compute

This webinar explains SaaS, PaaS and Iaas — otherwise known as “software as a service”, “platform as a service” and “infrastructure as a service”. Here Christopher Barnatt, author of and “A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing” (Robinson, 2010), and Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies in Nottingham University Business School expatiates on the concept of cloud computing.

For more information: visit

published May 30, 2010.



Christopher Barnatt (2010) ExplainingComputers :Three ways to cloud compute.[Online] Available from: on 2nd July 2013)

About tundebamgboye
Bamgboye Babatunde Adekunle is currently a postgraduate student of Information Systems Management at the University of Salford Manchester. This course offers him the opportunity to acquire a systematic understanding of the importance of information systems and technology (IS/T) in local and global businesses and in society in general; and a critical awareness of current and emerging issues in the management of IS/T. After Bachelors in Business Administration, he decided to follow his passion for Information Technology alongside Accounting Management as it’s important in helping him develop his interpersonal and management skills. Babatunde enjoys extracurricular activities such as, hitting the gym and playing the guitar and also enjoying the companies of his friends and colleagues. He loves to travel and to meet people from all walks of life.

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